The International Association of Law Schools (IALS) was incorporated in October 2005; its voting members will include educational institutions offering degrees in law. The benefits of membership are:
IALS has both voting and non-voting members. Voting members are institutions offering legal education. Non-Voting members include individual legal educators and associations of law schools. All members are committed to the principles and mission of the association, and are required to pay dues in an amount established by the Governing Board.
Each voting member has one vote in the General Assembly, which is the ultimate authority of the Association. To assure that IALS will not be dominated by law schools in any single country, the charter provides that regardless of the number of voting members from any one country, no more than 10 percent of the vote totals in the General Assembly may be from such country. In addition, no country can have more than one member on the Governing Board, however, one additional person may serve as an officer.